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Annual Parochial Church meeting

Our Annual Parochial Church meeting is a chance to reflect on the past year and look ahead. It’s also the time we elect members of the congregation to positions of leadership in the parish, as well as an opportunity for you to ask questions about St Bene’t’s and its life and ministry. The meeting will take place in church and on Zoom. For what I suspect may be the first time in the church’s history, attendance in person will be ticketed so we can ensure social distancing: please book a place via Eventbrite. APCM reports and the annual accounts are available below for you to look at in advance. Please do look at them before the meeting: we will take any questions anyone has on any of the reports, and there will be a verbal report from the treasurer, but for the most part the reports will be taken as read.

The Electoral Roll has now closed.

Elections will be held at the APCM for church wardens, and members of the PCC. Learn more >

May 15

Sabbath Rest - The Revd Dr Mark Scarlata

May 16

Credo Series: Liturgy