2nd Sunday of lent
Let us be encouraged to look out for how God is calling us to change and grow - especially through the encounters we have with the most unexpected, unassuming and humble of figures.

1st Sunday of Lent
Draw people into your life of faith, not because you think they are weak and need the help, but because we know that we are weak, and we need their help.

Transfiguration Sunday
We can’t live on the mountain top but neither can we solely live in the messiness of the world. We are called through Christ to inhabit both.

Third Sunday before Lent
What if for living a Kingdom life it is enough to be merciful, to be kind when we can.

Third Sunday of Epiphany
The strength of the Bible isn’t in making us feel better than everyone else.
The strength of the Bible is how it protects the weak and the vulnerable.

Second Sunday of Epiphany
He loves us, abundantly and joyfully, overflowing, right now, right here, even as we are, right up to the brim.

The Fourth Sunday of Advent
Since love is a kind of movement, and there is no movement except towards something, when we ask what must be loved, we are asking towards what we ought to be moved

The Third Sunday of Advent
What the recipe needs is not more sugar, but to have followed the instructions in the first place.

The Second Sunday of Advent
So when we look at the baby in the manger we can marvel at God’s plan.

The First Sunday of Advent
We do not know what the future holds, but we do know who holds the future.

The Second Sunday before Advent
Speak out on behalf of the voiceless, and for the rights of all who are vulnerable

Remembrance Sunday
Every Remembrance observance gets meaning and significance from this remembrance. And every two-minute silence is charged with our repentance, our prostration in sorrow.

The Last Sunday after Trinity
Conversion isn’t a momentary experience, begun and ended at our baptism, started and completed in one life-changing prayer or moment of spiritual epiphany.

The 21st Sunday after Trinity
So be kind to yourself; the human mind is wired to think we are the centre of the universe, and it is oh-so-easy to misinterpret the data all around us in order to reach that conclusion. Thanks be to God, however, that we are not the centre of the Universe.