Formation & Learning
The Christian life is one of ongoing discipleship in community, and it is helpful to meet with other Christians for Bible study, to explore aspects of the faith, or to grow in the practice of prayer. See below for upcoming events that provide an opportunity for this: anyone is welcome to attend.
Study Mornings
The next Study Morning is at St Benet’s on Saturday 12th October, 10.30am-1pm (coffee from 10am).
The Many Faces of Christianism: From the 'Russian World' to the Challenge of Illiberalism in Contemporary Democracies
Can Christianity be reclaimed from populism?
Dr Mariëtta van der Tol, Research Fellow at the Faculty of Divinity, will explore questions of politics, populism, Christian nationalism, religious plurality, and the future of democracy.
Specialising in the comparative study of politics, law and religion, she leads the interdisciplinary networks ‘Religion, ethnicity and politics in German, Dutch and Anglo-American contexts: nationalism and the future of democracy’ and ‘Protestant political thought: religion, state, nation’.
Her book Constitutional Intolerance: the fashioning of 'the other' in Europe's constitutional repertoires (2024) appears in the CUP series comparative constitutional law and policy.
Tickets are £5 each and here is the Eventbrite link
Find some previous Study Day videos on our Resources page.
Credo series
Credo in unum Deum: “I believe in One God.” The Creeds begin in this way and set forth the outline of the Christian faith. Credo is our course for those interested in finding out more about Christianity, or preparing for confirmation, and usually runs from the start of the calendar year. Preparation for first communion is also offered, for children aged around 7 or older.
To find out more about either, please contact the Vicar.
Jesus Christ
The Church
The Holy Spirit
Sacraments and sacramentals
Christian Hope