Lent 2025

Daily Lent Reflections
Lenten reflections written by members of our congregation are a special Bene’t’s tradition. Reflections take many forms, poetry to pictures to thoughts on a passage from the Bible. You don’t have to use the suggested scripture passage for that day, but it might give you a starting point. To get the reflections in your inbox, sign up to our newsletter using the form on the home page. Or read them in sequence online.

Lent Book Groups
Thursdays 7pm on Zoom & Fridays 2pm in church
We’re reading Embracing Justice, by Isabelle Hamley — a Lenten devotional book and a journey through Scripture to discover how we, as churches, communities, and individual Christians, can seek and practice justice. Contact us to learn about joining a book group. Available in paperback & ebook, from local bookstores or at  https://spckpublishing.co.uk/embracing-justice-677

Quiet Day: A Day with St Benedict
Saturday, 29 March
Join us for all or part of a Benedictine quiet day, at St Bene't's. The day will include times of silent prayer, reflections on scripture and the Rule of Benedict, and space for art and journaling. 

Come and go as you need; congregational worship will take place in a pattern simlar to the Benedictine Hours, at 7am, 9am (Eucharist), 12pm, 3pm, 6pm, & 9pm.
Coffee and tea, bread and fruit will be available throughout the day, but meals are 'self-catering'.

Holy Week 

Girl in a jacket

During the Triduum (Maundy Thursday through Easter Sunday), we're delighted to welcome Canon Dr Sanjee Perera. Dr Perera is an honorary lay Canon of Liverpool Cathedral, and a trustee of various Christian missional organisations including SPCK, the College of Catholic Anglican Women and Queens foundation. She previously served as the Archbishops' Adviser on Minority Ethnic Anglican Concerns, and is a noted speaker and lay preacher. A Cognitive Ecclesiologist, Sanjee is an Associate Fellow at the Open University School of Law; Honorary Research Fellow in the Department of Theology at the University of Durham; Honorary Research Fellow in Theology and Religious Studies, at the University of Chester.She is an avid gardener, choral singer, and a church crawler with a passion for stained glass.

Palm Sunday
13 April
10am: Procession begins at Corpus Christi College, followed by the Passion Narrative and Sung Eucharist at St Bene't's.
Easter Biscuits for Businesses: After the 10am service, we'll be packing up biscuits to distribute to local businesses.

Holy Monday: Stations of the Cross
following the 7pm Eucharist

Holy Tuesday: Sung Compline
15 April at 8pm

Spy Wednesday: Tenebrae
16 April at 8pm
A traditional candlelit service of music, silence, drama and darkness as we reflect on the mystery of the Cross.

Maundy Thursday
17 April at 8pm
Maundy Eucharist,  with washing of feet and stripping of the altar, followed by Keeping Watch at the Altar of Repose, until Midnight. PS: volunteers to have their feet washed are always welcome. 

Please note there is no 12.30pm Eucharist, due to the Chrism Mass at Ely Cathedral.

Good Friday
18 April
10am: Journey to the Cross, a service particularly suitable for children and families
11.30am: Ecumenical act of witness, in the Market Square
12noon: Preaching the Passion, followed by prayerful silence and then the Good Friday liturgy, ending at 3pm. 

Holy Saturday
19 April
9am: Service of the Word for Holy Saturday (The Harrowing of Hell)
9.30am: Cleaning and decorating the church for Easter; volunteers are always needed!

Easter Vigil
8.30pm, Saturday 19 April
Our traditional Easter Vigil service, with the Lighting of the New Fire, and First Eucharist of Easter

Easter Sunday
8am Traditional language Eucharist
10am Sung Festive Eucharist

Sacrament of Reconciliation 
We're sharing the Sacrament of Reconciliation ('Confession') with clergy from Little St Mary's and St Clement's. While making your confession before a priest is not a requirement in the Church of England, some do find this a very helpful Lenten (or more regular) discipline. To learn more, please contact the Vicar.

Sunday Supplement: Homelessness in Cambridge 
Sunday, 16 March

The Rev’d Kristian Hewitt, Bishop’s Advisor on Homelessness and Chaplain to the Cambridge Churches Homelessness Programme, will be preaching at our 10am eucharist, and speaking afterwards about homelessness in Cambridge. Please do join us for Kristian’s sermon and the conversation afterwards.