A Quiet Day with St Benedict
A self-directed Quiet Day for Lent, with art, worship, silence, and reflection

Palm Sunday
Procession begins at Corpus Christi College, followed by the Passion Narrative and Sung Eucharist at St Bene't's.

Maundy Thursday
Maundy Eucharist, with washing of feet and stripping of the altar, followed by Keeping Watch at the Altar of Repose, until Midnight.

Good Friday
10am: Journey to the Cross, a service particularly suitable for children and families
11.30am: Ecumenical act of witness, in the Market Square
12noon: Preaching the Passion, followed by prayerful silence and then the Good Friday liturgy, ending at 3pm.

Easter Vigil
Our traditional Easter Vigil service, with the Lighting of the New Fire, and First Eucharist of Easter

Song of Songs
Join Dr Karen O'Donnell for a talk and conversation about the Song of Songs: Text, Trauma, Transformation.

Parish retreat - Launde Abbey
Advance notice that we have booked Launde Abbey for a Parish Retreat from the afternoon of Friday 5 to lunchtime on Sunday 7 September 2025.
Further details and booking information will be available from around February next year.
If you are interested, please put the dates in your diaries and let Philippa know
Lent Book Group
We’ll be reading Embracing Justice, by Isabelle Hamley — a Lenten devotional book and a journey through Scripture to discover how we, as churches, communities, and individual Christians, can seek and practice justice. 2pm Fridays in church and 7pm Thursdays on Zoom.

Quiz Night
Join us for our annual pre-Lenten quiz night!
A fun evening of trivia, food and drink.
All are warmly welcome

Youth-Led Service
Our Sunday Eucharist will be led by the young people of St Bene’t’s Church, and everyone is invited.
The service will be our regular Sunday liturgy, but the prayers, sermon, and readings will all be led by the young people of St Bene’t’s.

Cambridge Central Mosque Tour
Meet at the Cambridge Central Mosque on Mill Road – by Brookfields Hospital – for a parish tour of the new Cambridge Central Mosque, winner of the Royal Institute of Britsh Architects (RIBA) Stirling Prize People’s Vote.
Please contact the vicar in advance, as spaces are limited for this tour.

Join us for a festal service of Holy Communion, with the chapel choir of Corpus Christi College, as we mark the Feast of the Presentation. The Rev’d Dr Matthew Bullimore, Chaplain of Corpus, will preach, and blessed candles will be shared with the congregation.
One of the oldest feasts in Christianity, Candlemas commemorates the presentation of Jesus at the Temple by Joseph and Mary ( Luke 2:22–40), and marks the end of the seasons of Christmas and Epiphany.
The tradition of giving out blessed candles on this day dates back to the 5th century, and is a way to commemorate Jesus as the Light of the World – and to symbolically bring that light into our own homes.

Christmas Day 8am & 10am
Everyone is invited to our Christmas Day services of Holy Communion,
8am (spoken, Traditional Language)
10am (with carols, sermon, and play area for young children)

Midnight Mass
Join us for the First Eucharist of the Feast of the Incarnation — also known as the Christmas Eve ‘Midnight Mass’ — with carols, scripture, sermon, and sacrament. Everyone is welcome.

All-Age Christmas Eve
Journey to Bethlehem: All-Age Christmas Eve
An All-Age Christmas Eve service, as we celebrate together the story of the Nativity.

Benet Street Carolling
Join us as we gather outside the church to sing carols, enjoy hot drinks, and with our neighbours make ready for Christmas! There’ll be a collection for the Cambridge Churches Homelessness Project, and everyone is warmly welcome

Taize Blue Christmas
On the shortest day of the year - a good time to be together for a time of quiet prayer and Taizé music — especially for those of us who find the holidays a struggle.

Christmas Concert and Carol Singing
You are invited to join ReSound as we sing some of our favourite songs of Love, Peace, Hope and Resilience in the beautiful and resonant St Bene’t’s Church (the oldest building in Cambridge). Please aim to arrive around 1.45pm, though the doors will be open before … This is a free event but you are encouraged to donate.
From 3.00 – 3.50 pm, we will all go outside to the Church garden (or stay in the church if it’s wet) and sing carols and festive songs, led by Rowena Whitehead, with anyone who cares to join us.
Song sheets will be provided. Dress warmly with thick shoes! As always at these events (which go back well over 15 years) we will be collecting for Wintercomfort, the Cambridge charity which supports homeless people, so please bring cash for the collecting tin; a card reader will be available for card donations
![Advent Reading Group [week-2]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e480749efbd632b06126ace/1732210926976-689Y3DPXIY55JHJP44H7/advent_reading_group.jpg)
Advent Reading Group [week-2]
Mel Eyeons will be leading our Advent Book Group on Thursdays at 7pm over Zoom, starting 28 November.
We’ll be reading Rachel Mann’s Do Not Be Afraid: The Joy of Waiting in a Time of Fear, which is The Archbishop of York's Advent Book 2024.
To sign up, contact Mel (meleyeons@hotmail.com) or the Vicar.
Zoom link here

Lunchtime concert
Reflections’ is a 45-minute lunchtime concert programme devised and performed by bassoonist Laurence Perkins, who is regularly featured on Classic FM, BBC Radio 3 and worldwide radio stations.
Admission is free, and donations will be invited for UK-Med and Music Action International - two registered charities who are providing vital medical and therapy support work with survivors from the wars in Ukraine and Gaza.
For more information and a 2-minute sampler video —>

Embrace the Middle East
Save the Date: Sunday Supplement with Embrace The Middle East.
Make a note in your diaries for an informative and interesting discussion after the 10am service.
A representative from the charity Embrace will talk about Gaza, the West Bank and other Middle Eastern areas. Further details to follow.

Assisted Dying legislation and Christian ethics
A presentation and open conversation on Assisted Dying legislation and Christian ethics. This is a Resoucrcing Faith annex event — a similar format to our Resourcing Faith conversations, but free.
The conversation will begin with a presentation by PhD candidate George Palmer. Small group and conversations will be supported to ensure a safe, pastoral environment for all.
St Bene't's is wheelchair accessible.
Tickets available at eventbrite

Middle East Humanitarian Appeal
We’re raising funds in our church community to help our neighbours in the Middle East by supporting the DEC Middle East Humanitarian Appeal…here is the Justgiving link

Study morning - the many faces of Christianism
Join us for the first Resourcing Faith study day of the academic year, hosted jointly by St Bene't's Church and Little St Mary's, Cambridge - The Many Faces of Christianism: From the 'Russian World' to the Challenge of Illiberalism in Contemporary Democracies
Can Christianity be reclaimed from populism?
Dr Mariëtta van der Tol, Research Fellow at the Faculty of Divinity, will explore questions of politics, populism, Christian nationalism, religious plurality, and the future of democracy.
Specialising in the comparative study of politics, law and religion, she leads the interdisciplinary networks ‘Religion, ethnicity and politics in German, Dutch and Anglo-American contexts: nationalism and the future of democracy’ and ‘Protestant political thought: religion, state, nation’.
Her book Constitutional Intolerance: the fashioning of 'the other' in Europe's constitutional repertoires (2024) appears in the CUP series comparative constitutional law and policy.
Tickets are £5 and available from https://resourcingfaith12oct.eventbrite.co.uk/
(please enquire directly if you require a free ticket)
Coffee is available from 10am

Church cleanup
Church cleanup morning
All are welcome - dusting, de-cobwebbing, clearing rubbish out of churchyard..also making coffee.

Patronal Festival and Parish Lunch
Following the 10am Eucharist, lunch in the Fellows' Garden at Corpus Christi College.
Sign-up sheet with choice of food, £11 each, children £5.
We will also say thankyou to James Gardom as this is his last Sunday with us as Interim Priest-in-Charge

20s & 30s - Midsummer Meal
Location TBC
email 20sand30s@stbenetschurch.org for more info.

St Bene’t’s to St Alban’s Walk
Rob Cumming
I am planning to walk with anyone who would like to join me from St Bene't's to St Alban's Abbey during the week leading up to the Alban Pilgrimage on Saturday 22nd June. This is approximately 65 miles making for 5 days of an average 13 miles a day. The route lends itself to a combination of overnight stays and day walks utilising the railway line between Cambridge and London. Anyone is welcome for the whole route or days of their choosing and there are some shorter sections that are suitable for those who are less mobile or prefer a shorter walk to join.
Pilgrimage is an ancient Christian tradition and many have found walking together draws us closer to one another and to God. In the time after Anna's death and burial at St Alban's I was drawn to this concept as a challenging way for us to collectively strengthen our bond as a congregation, and a chance to pay our respects together for those who would like to do so.
Please sign up if you are interested, either on the online form or the sign-up sheets at the back of church or by emailing myself . I am also happy to hear from anyone with questions or suggestions ahead of the walk.
The ininerary is described here and a full set of maps are listed here.

Study morning at Little St Mary's
Study Morning is at LSM start with coffee from 10am)
There will be two talks on a theme of The World Church and Western Anxiety.
James Gardom will give the first talk: Why are there so many non-UK heritage churches in Cambridge?
Dr Jörg Haustein from the Cambridge Faculty of Divinity will give the second talk: Christianity and the Anti-Homosexuality Bill in Uganda.
Tickets are £5 each and here is the Eventbrite link
Find some previous Study Day videos on our Resources page.

20s & 30s - Walk to Grantchester
Meet at St Bene’t’s
email 20sand30s@stbenetschurch.org for more info.

Visit to two churches in The Fens
Organised with the Social Committee, this will be a visit to two churches in The Fens
with lunch at Philippa and Michael Pearson's house in Christchurch, Cambridgeshire.
Details on church visits TBA

20s & 30s - Ice Cream Picnic
Meet at St Bene’t’s
email 20sand30s@stbenetschurch.org for more info.

20s & 30s - Board game night
Board game social at St Bene’t’s.
New members are always welcome: email 20sand30s@stbenetschurch.org for more info.

20s & 30s - Kindness
New members are always welcome: email 20sand30s@stbenetschurch.org for more info.