Filtering by: “Advent”

Journey to Bethlehem Service

Journey to Bethlehem Service

Share in the telling of the Christmas story as we travel with Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem. This service is especially suitable for children and families. You may want to download some of the images used in the telling of the story, or have drawing or modelling materials to hand to respond to it.

The service will premiere at 4:30 pm on Christmas Eve on our YouTube channel, and is followed by joining together on Zoom to catch up and exchange Christmas greetings.

Use this link to join on Zoom.

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Watch for the Light (Service & Carols)

Watch for the Light (Service & Carols)

Nativity Trail

Find the characters from the nativity story on posters in the windows of shops and businesses around Bene’t Street, Peas Hill & King’s Parade. Each poster tells the story and displays a letter that spells out a special message for you to discover. To start, pick up an entry sheet from the church, fill it out & then return it to receive a prize and visit the crib.

Light in the Darkness

Lantern-making at St Bene’t’s Church | Open to all - no booking needed.

Service and Carols

3:00 pm Service of Light (Especially suitable for children and families. Booking required via Eventbrite.)

4:00 pm Christmas Carols by members of Waterbeach Brass in Bene’t Street

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Watch for the Light

Watch for the Light

Nativity Trail

Find the characters from the nativity story on posters in the windows of shops and businesses around Bene’t Street, Peas Hill & King’s Parade. Each poster tells the story and displays a letter that spells out a special message for you to discover. To start, pick up an entry sheet from the church, fill it out & then return it to receive a prize and visit the crib.

Light in the Darkness

Pop into church to make a lantern. Materials supplied, and no booking needed. If you would like to make a lantern at home, you can download the instructions here.

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