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Global Anglicanism - The Revd Dr Muthuraj Swamy

For our next Study Day, the Revd Dr Muthuraj Swamy will speak on Global Anglicanism, as we learn more of what it is to belong to a worldwide communion, and from the experiences and perspectives of brother and sister Christians in different parts of the world.

Videos are available to watch in advance of the day (available below or on our YouTube channel), and we will meet at 11:00 am on 13 February for discussion and conversation with Dr Swamy.

Dr Swamy is currently Director of the Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide, and teaches in the Faculty of Divinity. He is the author of Reconciliation (The Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent Book in 2019).

More on the theme of Global Anglicanism:

Since the second half of the 20th century, Anglicanism no longer has remained a British or Western phenomenon. It has increasingly and steadily become global, and it continues to do so, as the demographic shift of Anglicans has tilted towards what is called the Global South. These changes also have highlighted a number of issues crucial for living as Anglicans in the Anglican Communion.

Dr Swamy will talk about three themes as part of this study day.

1. Christians connected

Unlike in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, today Anglicanism is not about the expansion of the British Christianity through empire and colonialism. Rather, Global Anglicanism, and the Anglican Communion, is about celebrating the local expressions, multiple identities, diverse liturgy and worship styles, yet remaining in communion and building bonds with each other as Anglicans. It signifies the importance of diversity and differences, and it affirms the need for constant dialogues to walk and grow together. Its strength also lies in its ability and openness to build ecumenical relationships with Christians from other denominations and backgrounds in order to witness together to Christ. 

2. Engaging with other religions and traditions

Global Anglicanism continues to highlight the importance for Christians to engage with other religions in a multi-cultural and multi-religious world. One of the significant aspects of being an Anglican Christian (or Christians of any background) in the Global South is living with and engaging with neighbours and friends from other religious traditions (this may be major ‘world religions’ in Asia or indigenous religious traditions in Africa). As the West is increasingly becoming multi-religious and multi-cultural, the experiences and insights from these parts of the Communion need to be shared and learned.

3. Global Anglicanism and building better societies

In the context of Global Anglicanism, an average Anglican today is a poor woman in Africa or Asia struggling for everyday living. Any talk about Global Anglicanism and the vision for building it cannot be blind to this reality. The current crisis and challenges brought by the Covid-19 pandemic has only worsened the conditions for many poor and vulnerable people in the Global South. In such a context, the commitment of Global Anglicanism in building better societies in which the poor, vulnerable and marginalised can experience the fullness of life of the Kingdom of God is vital. 

February 12

Friday Reading Group

February 14

Credo Series: “God"