Public Notice:
Faculty for outdoor seating for Bread & Meat
The letter to the Chancellor is below. Objections should be made in writing to the Diocesan Registrar by 30 April.
The Registrar can be contacted at The Bishop of Ely’s Registry, 1 The Sanctuary, London SW1P 3JT or at
His Hon. Judge Anthony Leonard, Q.C.
The Bishop of Ely’s Registry
1 The Sanctuary
London SW1P 3JT
8 March 2021
Dear Chancellor
Last year I wrote to you to apply for an interim faculty for the churchyard at St Bene’t’s to be used for outdoor dining for the customers of a local café. We were very grateful for your willingness to issue this faculty and for the speed with which you did so, which enabled us to offer the space to help a local business in the fast-changing and challenging circumstances of COVID-19.
With ongoing restrictions set to last for several more months at least, we are once again applying for a faculty for the churchyard to be used in this way. Our experience last year of doing so was entirely positive: it brought many people into the churchyard (and the church) who would not normally visit, and it enabled us to strengthen relationships with our near neighbours. The space was well-used, its primary status as a churchyard was honoured, and members of the congregation and the public appreciated the church making available its space in this way.
The application is submitted on the same basis as last year. The only thing that has changed is that the café owner wished to make a financial contribution for the use of the space. Having discussed this, the PCC has taken the view that it would prefer a contribution to be made to a local charity of its choice (probably the Foodbank) so that the arrangement serves a wider public good. The café owner has therefore agreed to contribute 50p to charity for each order that uses the churchyard.
The churchyard is enclosed, with the church along one side of it, and on the other three sides buildings belonging to Corpus Christi College. There are no other residential neighbours nearby. It is normally locked so inaccessible to the public.
Ecclesiastical Insurance, the church’s insurers, have been consulted and are content with the proposal provided that a risk assessment is done and that Bread & Meat can confirm that their public liability insurance is of a sufficient level (£5m). Confirmation from Ecclesiastical is enclosed. A risk assessment has been completed and is enclosed, and Simon Cheney has confirmed that his public liability insurance is for up to £5m.
City Council
No permission is needed from the Council, as it involves neither licensing nor planning permission. Confirmation of this is included with the application.
COVID-19 Regulations
Strict social distancing will be maintained in accordance with government and Church of England regulation and guidance, as well as cleaning of the tables and chairs in between use. Compliance with the COVID-19 regulations is the responsibility of Bread & Meat.
PCC Agreement
The PCC discussed the proposal for the use of the churchyard by Bread and Meat at its meeting in November 2020 and voted unanimously in favour of it. The minutes of that meeting are included with the application.
Formal Agreement between St Bene’t’s and Bread & Meat
Should a further faculty be granted, the proposal is for the arrangement to last until the end of September 2021, with a trial period of two weeks, after which the agreement will be reviewed. A copy of the agreement that will be signed if a faculty is granted is enclosed.
I hope this provides all the information you need in order to come to a decision about the faculty application, and I look forward to hearing from you.
With all good wishes.
Yours sincerely
Anna Matthews