The Seventh Sunday of Easter
Today we are in the in between time, with Christ gone, and the Holy Spirit not yet arrived. This is reflected in the phrases from our Collect: we beseech you, leave us not comfortless, but send your Holy Spirit to strengthen us.

The Fourth Sunday of Easter
On Easter Sunday just before Evensong, in my last Parish in Leicestershire, someone came into Church, whom I knew from one of our outlying villages - there were 16 in the area for which I had responsibility. He was a farmer. .

Ascension Day
I wonder whether you ever have a sense of being torn between two places. Perhaps somewhere where you have been happy, where you have intense memories.

The Sixth Sunday of Easter
Love is the gateway to betrayal, grief, disappointment, just as much as it is the gateway to completion, personhood, eternity. It should not be a surprise that all these things are part of the experience of those who love, of those who are friends of Christ.

The Fifth Sunday of Easter
In today’s parable Jesus connects the image of the vine with the idea of abiding. (Meno – the same root word as remain). This is important. In John, over and over again Jesus talks about the abiding and mutual indwelling of the Father and the Son.

The Third Sunday of Easter
Have you ever wondered what would have happened if ‘nothing had happened’ after Jesus’ cry of “My God my God why have you forsaken me?”

The Second Sunday of Easter
The blessing from Jesus falls upon those who have not seen and yet have come to believe. In other words, you and me.

The Fifth Sunday of Lent
We have dozens of mental images of Christ. Passiontide is about the Cross. It is and it should be hard for us, because we love Christ. Jesus has entered our imagination

The Fourth Sunday of Lent
Each year is a time of salvation, a step on our journey towards the light.

The Second Sunday of Lent
We are being justified step by step, as we follow Christ. We can ask Christ’s help for each step, and that is what the Christian life is about.
The First Sunday Lent
The good news, for us, is this – that God has intervened decisively in Christ to free us from fear and sin and death.

The Sunday Next Before Lent
We are on the brink of Lent. 40 days of preparation for most powerful and central days of the Christian year .

The Second Sunday Before Lent
“Why do we turn up week after week to do what we do in this place.”

The Baptism of Christ and Epiphany
During Epiphany we are recalled to the very nature of the world, an expression of God’s loving creation.