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Stations of the Resurrection 2020

Praying at Home


  • The Daily Service is broadcast each day at 9.45am on Radio 4 LW

  • A weekly Sunday service is broadcast via the Church of England’s facebook page (you do not need a facebook account to access this)


  • Candle Walk by Karin Holsinger Sherman is a beautifully-illustrated bedtime prayer book for children. It’s available as an ebook or hardback.

  • The Examen is a very helpful form of prayer that helps us discern the presence of God in our everyday lives. There are many versions available online, listed here is a version for adults and one for children: 

  • There is an app called Reimagining the Examen which has a variety of different versions that you might find helpful. The app/podcast/website Pray as you Go is also an excellent way of attending to the presence of God in the midst of everything. There is also a new set of reflections for this period called Pray as you Stay

  • The Church Times is producing a weekly collection of prayers and resources for use at home called Lift up your Hearts (free, though you need to be a subscriber to access much of the rest of the site): sign up through their website

  • Malcolm Guite has launched a YouTube channel where he offers reflections: A Spell in the Library

  • Theologians offer a short reflection each day as part of the #Theologyinisolation blog series (SCM Press)

  • The Royal School of Church Music is publishing a daily hymn for people to join in with and sing, and a short Sunday service you can join in with at home: here

  • World Community for Christian Meditation: sign up to receive a daily reflection here

Prayers for use when someone has died, or on the day of a funeral

Sadly at the moment numbers able to attend a funeral are very limited. For some, it is also not possible to go to visit someone who is dying, or visit the bereaved. Here are some prayers which you can use on hearing of a death, or on the day of a funeral.


  • If you don’t have a bible at home, the version we use in church is the New Revised Standard Version. You can look passages up in this online at or it is widely available to buy. For children, we recommend the Lion Storyteller Bible and the Children of God Storybook Bible, compiled by Desmond Tutu. We also recommend Read, Wonder, Listen: Stories from the Bible for Young Readers.


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Stations of the Resurrection 2020

Praying at Home


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  • The Daily Service is broadcast each day at 9.45am on Radio 4 LW

  • A weekly Sunday service is broadcast via the Church of England’s facebook page (you do not need a facebook account to access this)


  • Candle Walk by Karin Holsinger Sherman is a beautifully-illustrated bedtime prayer book for children. It’s available as an ebook or hardback.

  • The Examen is a very helpful form of prayer that helps us discern the presence of God in our everyday lives. There are many versions available online, listed here is a version for adults and one for children: 

  • There is an app called Reimagining the Examen which has a variety of different versions that you might find helpful. The app/podcast/website Pray as you Go is also an excellent way of attending to the presence of God in the midst of everything. There is also a new set of reflections for this period called Pray as you Stay

  • The Church Times is producing a weekly collection of prayers and resources for use at home called Lift up your Hearts (free, though you need to be a subscriber to access much of the rest of the site): sign up through their website

  • Malcolm Guite has launched a YouTube channel where he offers reflections: A Spell in the Library

  • Theologians offer a short reflection each day as part of the #Theologyinisolation blog series (SCM Press)

  • The Royal School of Church Music is publishing a daily hymn for people to join in with and sing, and a short Sunday service you can join in with at home: here

  • World Community for Christian Meditation: sign up to receive a daily reflection here

Prayers for use when someone has died, or on the day of a funeral

Sadly at the moment numbers able to attend a funeral are very limited. For some, it is also not possible to go to visit someone who is dying, or visit the bereaved. Here are some prayers which you can use on hearing of a death, or on the day of a funeral.


  • If you don’t have a bible at home, the version we use in church is the New Revised Standard Version. You can look passages up in this online at or it is widely available to buy. For children, we recommend the Lion Storyteller Bible and the Children of God Storybook Bible, compiled by Desmond Tutu. We also recommend Read, Wonder, Listen: Stories from the Bible for Young Readers.