An Anglican parish church in the heart of Cambridge.

Sunday Eucharist
8:00 and 10:00 am

Evening Prayer
6:00 pm daily

Weekday Eucharist
Mon. 7:00 pm, Tues. 10:30 am, Wed.12:30 pm, Thurs. 12:30 pm, Fri. 8:00 am, Sat. 9:00 am

Service live on YouTube at 10am on Sunday 23rd March


St Bene’t’s building is the oldest in Cambridge, and the tradition of prayer and worship here goes back a millennium.

Prayer remains at the heart of what we are about, as we seek to respond to the God who in Christ has already reached out to find us. There are regular daily services at St Bene’t’s, and the church is open every day for people to visit and explore the history of the church or simply to find some stillness and peace in the midst of a busy city.

People come to St Bene’t’s from a range of backgrounds, with different gifts and experiences, and we welcome that and rejoice in the diversity of people God calls to follow him. So we seek to be an inclusive community, and to put into practice St Benedict’s teaching that everyone must be welcomed as Christ himself. As we try to keep that tradition of hospitality alive, we look forward to welcoming you.

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